Available Products

Map Your Genius Workshop

Discover a step-by-step process to help you craft your signature method so you can express your expertise with confidence, be seen as a trusted expert and make more sales in your business! 

Content Planning Made Easy Course

Discover a simple, 5-step system to help you get strategic with your content so you can bring in more leads and make more money from your marketing efforts. 

Message Makeover: Move Your Offers from 'Maybe' to 'Must Have'

Is your sales copy not getting the results you want?

Do you feel like you're not expressing the value of your work in a way your ideal client's get?

Are you confused about what kind of copy connects and converts?

Then this webinar is going to 100% help you out!

In this 70min training I share:

- The 4 Ps of Value Creation and how they work together to make irresistible offers

- How to talk about your ideal client’s problem better than they do (and why you need to)

- The copy tweaks that will elevate your offers to ‘must have’

- The crucial skill of mapping your process so people trust you can get them to where they want to go

Articulate Your Outcomes + Boost Your Sales

Discover the 4 essential elements of communicating the value of your work in a way your ideal client really gets - so they say yes to working with you.

How to Step More Powerfully into Your Message Masterclass

When it comes to creating a powerful business message, there are 5 stages that you move through and each one comes with its own specific challenges - and solutions. 

This masterclass breaks down each stage, helps you identify which one you're at, and what you need to focus on right now in order to progress on the journey to crafting a resonant message that easily attracts your soul clients. 

Own The Throne Challenge

Do you want to find out what it takes to cultivate lasting confidence and conviction in your own message?

Would you like to learn a step-by-step process that can support you to show up with more presence, potency and purpose?

Are you in need of practical frameworks that support you to easily create content AND show up consistently to share your message?

Then this mini-course, which is a recording of a live run of the Own The Throne 5-day challenge, is truly going to support you to connect in to your heart's mission, get clarity on what you're here to share, and tap into the courage to go share it in your own unique way!

The Craft of Writing: Free Training

Learn 5 simple writing techniques that I use, and that I teach my clients, for how to create more engaging writing.

Inside this free training, I walk you through:

- 3 simple ways to create more flow in your writing

- How to make your writing pop with personality

- 3 principles that will make your writing more effective

These are tips I've learnt from 20 years working as a journalist and editor. I use them every day in my own writing or when reviewing my client's copy - and I know these tips will help you too. 

So head to the link below if you'd like to discover some advanced writing techniques that will make your writing flow, feel more personable and engage your audience even more! 

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